
Installing civ 4 on windows 10
Installing civ 4 on windows 10

There are a bunch more technologies available, each offering a significant boost. Meanwhile, the Economy wing has a Fresh Foodstuffs technology that reduces the cost of creating new villagers by 50%. The Culture wing, for example, can help reduce the cost of all future technologies by 30% with its Preservation of Knowledge technology. There are four wings - Culture, Economy, Military, and Trade - available to choose from, each with their own unique researchable technologies. This must be built by Villagers (it doesn't take long and costs just 50 wood) and is separate from the Town Center.

installing civ 4 on windows 10

There is a focus on research for the Abbasid Dynasty, mostly revolving around the House of Wisdom unique building.

Installing civ 4 on windows 10